Are you struggling with constant anxiety and overthinking? A study shows that women with anxiety disorders experienced a significant decrease in anxiety after participating in art therapy. Even doing a little bit of art at home can lower anxiety and depression symptoms.
There's a way to break free from this cycle and feel calm, confident, and clearheaded again, but you have to stop doing what you've been doing. If you're like most women I talk to who are overthinking every word and step, people pleasing to avoid confrontation, and feeling exhausted from stress and anxiety, doing more and thinking more won't help you.
Anxiety is a feeling in your body caused by cortisol and adrenaline. Those chemicals cause you to feel all of those anxiety symptoms, including shakiness, brain fog, upset stomach, a racing heart,... And when you start to feel those awful symptoms, your brain jumps in to solve the problem by thinking.
Those anxious thoughts make you feel more anxious...
So you think more...
And feel more...
And on and on
But you can break this cycle and it's simple to do.
One of the most fun ways I know to stop overthinking and calm your anxious body is to get creative.

You don't have to be the next Frida Kahlo to experience a quiet mind, a calm body, or the joy you can get from using your creative brain in a way that doesn't leave you questioning your sanity and feeling more anxious.
Using art to feel less anxious is all about the process, not the final product.
Here's how I can guide you towards a calmer, more creative life:
Use creativity for self-expression instead of self-sabotage: Art allows you to tap into emotions that might be difficult to put into words. This can be incredibly cathartic, and help you process and release anxiety and other stuck emotions.
Find a Healthy Distraction: Focusing on creating something beautiful can shift your attention away from worries and ruminating thoughts without grabbing your phone, a glass of wine, or Dr. Google.
Boost Your Mood Naturally: Art therapy is known to increase endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin - the brain chemicals responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being.
Would you agree that having a little time where you were able to relax, be creative, and knock out anxiety at the same time would be a welcome change from working so hard to feel better and staying stuck?

Talk to me about how what it's like to work with me as your coach by scheduling a call. We'll talk about your anxious thoughts, what you're trying now that might be keeping you stuck, and come up with a plan that will help you feel calm, and confident and have more fun.