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Hey there, Friend!Hey there, Friend!

I'm happy you're here. I'm Megan, your friendly neighborhood Life Coach.


If you're wondering how you ended up here, looking for help managing overwhelm, stress, and anxiety, I do too.

Let me tell you a little story. I've was on the anxiety bus for most of my life. So being here today, helping other women who are going through similar anxiety symptoms, trying to stop overthinking and feeling overwhelmed and defeated, feels pretty crazy.

It was a bumpy journey, but I've found my way out, and I can help you find your way to more confidence, calm, and fun too.

Fun is the antidote you've been looking for.

YThe internet is full of quick fixes to stop anxiety, advice on how to stop feeling overwhelmed, and affirmations for confidence. You might have tried a few, but they were confusing to figure out, didn't work, and left you feeling stuck and overwhelmed.


You can spend months and years trying to figure it out like I did, or you can get the help you need and deserve and make the process fun instead of stressful.


As your coach, I'll teach you how to stop feeling anxious so you can think rationally and choose new responses that are simple and fun. We'll find those repeat thoughts and habits that are keeping you stuck and replace them with empowering beliefs and habits.

Regardless if you’re building the foundation of your coaching tools and processes or you’re perfecting the style that makes it all 100% completely yours, I’m here to help you on the journey, because coaching doesn’t have to have a honeymoon phase. 

Imagine a life where you:
  • Ask for what you deserve at your job

  • Enjoy every moment of your vacation

  • Are fully present with your partner and kids

  • Challenge yourself to do things that scare the bejeezus out of you

  • Know that you can handle anything life throws your way


I can't promise a stress-free life, but I can promise you have everything you need to handle the challenges that come your way.


Ready to break free from the cycle of anxiety and unlock your true potential?


Let's chat! Schedule a call and let's talk about where you'd rather be. Together, we'll create a personalized plan to help you feel calm, confident, and have more fun.


Great things are waiting for you, my friend!

Imagine a life where you:

You know that feeling. You’re minding your own business, carrying on barefoot, doing your work the way you learned best. Before you know it, you step on the rug.


Your foot tells you there’s somethin’ wrong, and your brain tells you that you should probably lift up that rug.

This may be your coaching right now

Because there’s something about the way you’re doing things that just isn’t right.​


It’s not wrong in the broad sense of things. You’re still using what you know, your heart is still in the game. Your metaphorical rug is still existing.


But there’s a piece of you that feels like it’s just not quite you enough.


Maybe it’s that moment where you’ve left your client thinking 

“Why didn’t I quite reach them the way I wanted to?”

Or maybe when you know you have a unique skill, but you just don’t know if you’ve used it in the most appropriate place.
Or maybe you have multiple amazing skills, and you aren’t quite sure how to combine them.


Regardless of whatever your “pebble” is, I’m here to lift up that rug and dig it out.


And figure out if it’s the kind of pebble that we need to ditch to iron out the rug to perfection… or the kind of pebble that’s actually a gem, we just need to figure out if it’s a sapphire or diamond.

It really is as simple as lifting it up and finding what’s underneath the surface.


Because there’s magic in simplicity. And that’s the kind of magic that’s going to move mountains in your work with your clients.


“I am confident can coach anyone, anywhere, on anything – I don’t “think” about or question my coaching style anymore, I simply embody it. This means I am an elevated coach because I have all that space to focus on my clients rather than being tumbled up in my own mind!”

Sally Hardie, Trauma-Informed Coach


“I am confident can coach anyone, anywhere, on anything – I don’t “think” about or question my coaching style anymore, I simply embody it. This means I am an elevated coach because I have all that space to focus on my clients rather than being tumbled up in my own mind!”

Sally Hardie, Trauma-Informed Coach

For great coaches who want to make a full impact on their clients with confidence and clarity of their own unique style… no matter where they are in their coaching journey. 

The Coach Lab

No coach can stand tall without a solid foundation. In the Coach Lab, you’ll learn the tools, skills, and techniques that will allow you to build that strong foundation so that your coaching can thrive… and your clients can, too.  It’s part coaching and part strategy.  A little “try this” mixed with “and let’s look at the thoughts that got us here.”​




Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching

The Coach Lab

No coach can stand tall without a solid foundation. In the Coach Lab, you’ll learn the tools, skills, and techniques that will allow you to build that strong foundation so that your coaching can thrive… and your clients can, too.  It’s part coaching and part strategy.  A little “try this” mixed with “and let’s look at the thoughts that got us here.”​




Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching

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The Coach Lab

No coach can stand tall without a solid foundation. In the Coach Lab, you’ll learn the tools, skills, and techniques that will allow you to build that strong foundation so that your coaching can thrive… and your clients can, too.  It’s part coaching and part strategy.  A little “try this” mixed with “and let’s look at the thoughts that got us here.”​




Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


Weekly live coaching


“I am confident can coach anyone, anywhere, on anything – I don’t “think” about or question my coaching style anymore, I simply embody it. This means I am an elevated coach because I have all that space to focus on my clients rather than being tumbled up in my own mind!”

Sally Hardie, Trauma-Informed Coach


“I am confident can coach anyone, anywhere, on anything – I don’t “think” about or question my coaching style anymore, I simply embody it. This means I am an elevated coach because I have all that space to focus on my clients rather than being tumbled up in my own mind!”

Sally Hardie, Trauma-Informed Coach


There are two things I love, unconditionally: Connection and community.

And if there’s anything experience has taught me, it’s that you need both to fully hone in on your craft of coaching.


Regardless if you’re just starting out, learning how to lay a foundation… or if you have your coaching “house” built and you’re ready to razzle dazzle it into a home uniquely yours, I’m ready to work with you.


Connection. Community. Confidence.

It’s what’s going to get you from coaching as you are now… to how you want to coach in the future.

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